Silbersee and Mining Tunnel (Stollen) in the Hüggel

TERRA.saison Silbersee and Mining Tunnel in the Hüggel

Guided tours in the Silbersee

a tour of the mudflats in the mountains?

Guided tours in the Silbersee – a tour of the mudflats in the mountains?

Since the official opening of the Silbersee mining tunnel in April 2014, the Nature and Geopark TERRA.vita has already led over 4,000 visitors through the underground tunnel. Since then, we have offered further tours on fixed dates, so that all those interested have a chance to view the interiors of the mountains between Hasbergen and Hagen a.T.W.

In only a very few places are the traces of industrial and geological histories so closely interwoven as they are here in the Hüggel. TERRA.vita has trained 12 volunteers to guide tours here. The one-and-a-half-hour tour relates exciting facts and stories about the former stone quarry and about the history of the Silbersee. Of course, traces of Earth’s history are encountered every step of the way.

Because, around 240 million years ago, where the mountains in the region of Osnabrück rise today, there was once a huge mudflat. And this was full of life, as the traces of innumerable creatures found in the limestone demonstrate. For individuals, families, small groups, etc., TERRA.vita offers public tours at fixed times, which require registration by telephone (0541 501 4217) and fees for participation. Dates and times can be found here. Inquiries about guided tours for groups of 10 or more should be directed to the Tourist Information Office of Osnabrück at: 0541 323 4567 or at: Further information as well as the possibility to inquire online about the appointment of your desired tour can be found here.
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